Best Morning Ever

Some days just start off better than others and today was definitely one of those days.

We had to roll the clocks back an hour for daylight savings time last night so it feels like we “gained an hour of sleep” this also means that Ronan was ready to wake up and hour earlier than the clock said he should.  So today Rob woke up with Ronan and let me sleep for that extra hour.

When the boys came to wake me for church they did it in the best way ever.  I woke to my two favorite guys softly calling my name (well – calling “mama” – or trying to at least).  Ronan crawled up to me planting two big, fat, wet kisses right on my face, complete with sound effect “BA!”.

We hugged and snuggled for a few minutes.  We played peek-a-boo with the blanket and when Rob and I stopped Ronan continued the game on his own yelling out at just the right time.  He was so happy and giggly it was completely infectious!

Rob and I sang our Good Morning song to Ronan together.  Every day when Ronan first wakes up we sing ‘Good Morning’ from Singing in The Rain with our own special twist on the lyrics.  Usually though Ronan only gets one of us at a time and today he started clapping for us and blew us kisses.  Then it was off to get dressed for church and ready for the day.

It was truly the best wake-up I’ve ever had.  Tomorrow, when the alarm goes off to wake me for the start of another work-week I’m going to do my best to remember this morning instead of grumbling at the fact that I’m waking up to head into the office.